About Red Crayon – Advertising Agency Melbourne
We are storytellers & campaign crafters.
As wordsmiths and advertising aficionados we know that there is a masterful art to creating the perfect narrative with a blend of emotions and flavours.
We’re never just vanilla, we think big and deliver all 54 flavours so you’re sure to get exactly what will appeal.
Founded in 2004, we describe ourselves as a creative advertising agency and what sets us apart is that we understand human behaviour, business and creativity.
We use data, facts and insights to drive inspiration, innovation and activation to change the course of brands.
We listen, we learn and then we design campaigns and content that audiences will not only embrace, but believe, share and buy.
We are big on collaboration, authenticity and we’re totally obsessed with salience.
Leadership Team
founder & ceo
Caroline Hendriks
Executive Creative Director
Chris Rogers
Creative Director
account director
Jessica Trajkovska
Account Manager
Sofia McLeod
Account Executive
Mallory Wild
Senior Designer
Patrick Thompson
Senior Designer
Ally Burnie
Copywriter & Producer
Copywriting Consultant
John Douglas
Strategy & Brand Consultant
Reginald McLeod
Director of Mischief