Remer is an Australian company specialising in designing and manufacturing  premium illuminated smart mirrors with great emphasis on superior mirror technology. We were engaged by Remer to develop brand assets for the new Remer website. We had the objective to bring to life the Remer brand story through copywriting, imagery, and video assets. We wanted to position Remer as a premium, luxurious brand ensuring a consistent and cohesive approach to communications across their website and marketing materials.

We worked closely with the Remer team to define their brand tone of voice which had not been established yet. To do so, we undertook a brand immersion session to develop tone of voice guidelines to solidify Remer’s story across all forms of communication, including digital assets and any other forms of communications internally and externally. From here, we crafted product descriptions for their new website to highlight product features and evoke emotion for consumers seeking information during their purchase research and consideration phase. We also found that the quality design and manufacturing of Remer’s product was key to their success so produced a brand story video and photography assets that illustrated this. During this process we planned and executed a full day shoot on site to capture footage for the brand video as well as photography to build up Remer’s media bank. This consisted of capturing B-roll and drone footage of Remer’s product ranges, customisation and packaging process and introducing their latest Bespoke range.

We produced a 3-minute brand website video to capture the heart of Remer and promote their new product range that is specifically designed with the Australian market in mind. From the footage captured on production we also produced multiple cutdown versions for future digital campaign use. The client was beyond happy with all assets designed throughout the project. Overall, this project was a fun and exciting one to work collaboratively with Remer on and the new website now successfully captures the essence of Remer through their defined tone of voice. 

Brand Strategy, Video & Photography Production, Copywriting


